Friday, January 1, 2021

2021 is here!

 We are the generation that witnessed the birth of the internet, the invention of self driven cars, the makings of a global pandemic. Some of us even witnessed the moon landing.... war and global warming, to a generation that has seen the highs and lows of humanity, let’s come together as one and unite in rising and in solving - let discrimination be a thing of the past, let evil end, let hope and peace prevail and the future be a ray of light! Happy and peaceful new year!

Friday, November 22, 2019

I walked in with a question. Here's all I said

"White mum, black dad - the baby is born brown - kind of like an in-between color, how does this happen?

Within seconds all eyes were glued on to my diagrams on the board. They were anxious to find out what happens. As I always love the suspense, I let them ponder for a few minutes as they shuffled through their minds and books to come up with an explanation.  I took a few answers from the classes but none were close enough or correct. Then I gave them some clues and we were off to look for reasons and explanations as to how this can happen. Within a few minutes the students were able to completely understand on their own, how these traits are passed on. They were able to have the satisfying feeling of figuring out how something worked and applied to

What I was doing here was trying to bring their theoretical information into an everyday

Thursday, May 15, 2014

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Let it grow

The trees are being cut in the forest tonight  
Not a flower to be seen
The world’s filled with pollution
And no one, wants it clean
Rivers are filthy and the air is full of smoke
Time to wake up, this is no joke

Don’t let them die
Don’t let them down
Oxygen and water for everyone
Remember earth’s
The only place,
Where we can stay

Let it grow, Let it grow
Don't cut the trees anymore
Let it grow, let it grow
Save the trees before they go
Here we stand, to save our land
Let the plants grow on
The earth never bothered us anyway

It’s funny how some people
Just don’t care, anymore
Its up to us to fix things
To change the status quo
It’s time to stop the wrong we do
Protect, preserve and plant trees too
Reduce, reuse, recycle more
Now you know

Let it grow, let it grow
All those sheets of paper you throw
Let it grow, Let it grow
Save the trees before they go
Here we stand, to save our land
Let the plants grow on

The earth never troubled us anyway